Category: Update

April, 2015

We thank God for a successful Bible Conference in Bukavu earlier this month. Aaron Kuglin was able to join us again, this time bringing his wife and youngest daughter. Pray for them as they continue to seek ways to be used by God to minister to the deaf. Josh Bonjour, pastor to a deaf church in Fort Worth, was able to join us and take a closer look at some of the work that CMD is doing. The attendees were quite excited at his fluent sign language, and are looking forward to meeting other people from his church at future conferences.

After the conference, we were able to visit a new school for the deaf in Kavumu (about an hour north of Bukavu). It was started by one of our former pupils using his own funds and resources. It’s amazing to see the ambition of young men who are rolling up their sleeves and forging ahead to bring education and the Gospel to unreached corners of their region. I’ll be writing about them in our next prayer letter.

In Him,

Tim Foster

March 2015

In just a few days, we head to Bukavu (Democratic Republic of Congo) for our annual Congo Bible Camp. There have been a few hiccups in working out the logistics of the attendees, so keep us in prayer as we finish preparing for the conference. For several people in our team, this will be their first time to Africa. Pray for the safety of all those who are traveling to the conference – both Africans and Americans. Pray also that the attendees will be greatly benefited as we study 1 Peter together.

Please keep our Nigerian center in your prayers. The center continues to feel the strain of overcrowding, while construction at the new campus continues. Ideally, we would like to have several of the buildings complete by the time of our special anniversary celebration in December. We wait on God to continue to supply our needs.

In Him,

Tim Foster

February 2015

“Never again will everyone teach his neighbor or his brother by saying, ‘Know the Lord,’ because all of them will know Me, from the least important to the most important.” Heb 8:11
Until that day, we work with this goal as our highest passion.

In a few weeks, we launch the 2015 Congo Bible Camp for the deaf. We will be teaching the book of 1 Peter, and providing training resources for young evangelists to aid them in their Bible teaching methods.

In Chad and Nigeria, plans are also nearing completion for Easter camps. Please keep our various teams in prayer, that God will bring many deaf people to the camps, and that many will grow in the knowledge of the Lord.

In Him,

Tim Foster

January 2015

Usually, our annual Congo Bible Conference meets in the eastern Congo during the summer. This year, we’re planning to meet during Easter. There are a number of advantages to this, but there are also a few schedule challenges that need to be ironed out.

Lord willing, we will be joined by Josh Bonjour, the pastor of a deaf church in Fort Worth, Texas. His church, New Life Deaf Fellowship (, has been looking for a deaf foreign missions group to partner with. I’m looking forward to his assistance as he helps teach the word of God at our next Congo conference. We’ll be teaching from 1 Peter. Pray with us that God will bless our collaboration, that more people will be added to His kingdom, and that His people will be strengthened in the Word.

In Him,

Tim Foster

December 2014

Director Yves Beosso reports that their campus is now online with electricity! During the installation, volunteer workers also renovated and expanded two buildings.

Chad Construction

Chad Construction

All that remains now is to plaster the floors and walls and install the windows. We praise God for you, because without your faithful prayer and support, we could not have done this!

We’re looking to enhance methods by which donors can be directly involved in the lives of deaf students by setting up targeted sponsorship programs. Pray for wisdom as we proceed.

In Him,

Tim Foster

November 2014

In December, our family will be heading to Gallaudet University in Washington DC to attend the first AfriDeaf conference. The AfriDeaf organization was founded to raise awareness for the needs of the deaf in Nigeria. I’ve been invited to be the keynote speaker. While in DC, my family will take advantage of the opportunity to visit various museums and learn more about US history.

Yves Beosso, director of our school in N’Djamena (Chad) reports that electricity is now available in their community. We’re grateful for the CMD friends in Michigan who worked quickly to raise funds to cover the utility connection expense for our school. We’re so thankful for this huge blessing!

In Him,

Tim Foster

October 2014

Dear Prayer Partners,

Emmanuel Ilabor, the director of our center in Ibadan (Nigeria), ran into health issues immediately after returning to the US a few weeks ago. His doctors initially feared he had Ebola. Thankfully it turned out to be something less malicious: Malaria – albeit a pretty severe case of it. After a 5-day hospital stay, he was able to rejoin his wife and children. We thank the Lord Emmanuel’s speedy recovery. Due to the blessings of many donors, construction has continued steadily at our new campus just outside of Ibadan. Two operational water wells supply water for construction crews, and several buildings are nearly complete.

Yves Beosso, our N’Djamena (Chad) director was invited to attend an international deaf conference in Seol, Korea. He gave a presentation on the work that the Lord is doing in Chad. We’re thankful for this excellent opportunity to share our Lord’s faithfulness.

In Him,

Tim Foster

September 2014

Dear Prayer Partners,

We’re excited to hear that electricity is now available in the Walia community, just outside of N’Djamena, Chad. We have a primary school for the deaf located in Walia, and the prospect of not having to use a generator as our only source of electricity is very exciting. On the down side, the cost of getting electricity to the school will exceed $500 – more than their budget allows. Pray with us that God will provide for this need.

Our annual summer Congo Bible Conference meets in various cities in the eastern Congo region. For 2015, we’d like to see if we can meet in Bujumbura, Burundi. There are many deaf there that are unable to attend the conference when we meet in the Congo; hopefully we can bring the conference to them instead. Pray that God will open doors as we explore this option.

In Him,

Tim Foster

August 2014

Dear Prayer Partners,

Please be in prayer with us regarding a seminar opportunity in N’Djamena, Chad later this fall. In my discussion with Yves Beosso, our school director there, we feel there is a strong need for a leadership training conference at his campus. We’re still in the exploration phase, so we covet your prayers regarding finances for the conference, attendance and participation.

We’re excited to see the launch of two new schools for the deaf in the eastern Democratic Republic of Congo. One is in the town of Rutshuru, and the other is in the town of Fizi. Both schools are being led by young deaf men who have been educated at Congolese schools founded by CMD. Shukuru Heritier and Chance Bakunzi are the deaf young men heading up these schools, and are currently raising funds in preparation of the new school year. There are many deaf people in these towns in need of an education so they can hear the Gospel of Jesus Christ. Pray with us that the Lord will provide the resources, material and additional staff for these schools.

In Him,

Tim Foster

July 2014

Dear Prayer Partners,

It was truly amazing to see how God has been nurturing the deaf that attended our annual Congo Bible Conference in mid-July. Attendance was higher than expected, and the volume of feedback we received was strong evidence that they’ve been growing both in their appetite and their knowledge of the Scriptures. What a joy it is to see how God has been keeping them firmly rooted in Him as He continues to shape us all into the image of His Son!

A special treat for us this year came in the form of a mission team from Harvest Bible Church in Westland, Michigan. Not only did they help with food and games, but they also performed drama routines throughout the week covering the material we were teaching in Colossians. We’re deeply grateful for their assistance! In addition to our conference, they also helped Tom and Kathy Lindquist with 3 other conferences in the area. Truly, they were a hard-working group.

In Him,

Tim Foster