Dear Prayer Partners,
Please be in prayer with us regarding a seminar opportunity in N’Djamena, Chad later this fall. In my discussion with Yves Beosso, our school director there, we feel there is a strong need for a leadership training conference at his campus. We’re still in the exploration phase, so we covet your prayers regarding finances for the conference, attendance and participation.
We’re excited to see the launch of two new schools for the deaf in the eastern Democratic Republic of Congo. One is in the town of Rutshuru, and the other is in the town of Fizi. Both schools are being led by young deaf men who have been educated at Congolese schools founded by CMD. Shukuru Heritier and Chance Bakunzi are the deaf young men heading up these schools, and are currently raising funds in preparation of the new school year. There are many deaf people in these towns in need of an education so they can hear the Gospel of Jesus Christ. Pray with us that the Lord will provide the resources, material and additional staff for these schools.
In Him,
Tim Foster