September, 2024

6th Annual Leadership Training Seminar in N’Djamena, Chad

Dear Friends,

Director Yves Beosso reports that they had a very good annual leadership training seminar in N’Djamena, Chad. The attendees came from six different provinces in Chad, and the topic was “Mobilizing the Church”. It’s so encouraging seeing them using their new multi-purpose building! We are very grateful to you for helping sponsor the event and the construction of their new buildings over these past few years. Without your faithful support, we would not be able to continue quality discipleship like this.

We’re already seeing excellent fruit as a direct result of our Congo Bible Camp in August. I’ve received several photos from various pastors and evangelists who have taken our material back to their home churches and taught their congregations the material they’ve learned from our teaching. Several of the evangelists are traveling evangelists, and they cover several churches across a wide region. It’s exciting to see them continuing in the things they have learned.

Deaf evangelists spreading the teaching they’ve learned from our Congo Bible Camp

We have an opportunity to help further the education of some deaf candidates in Nigeria. The Andrew Jackson Foster Scholarship Memorial Fund (unrelated to Christian Mission for the Deaf) has identified new candidates for seminary training. Pray with us as we work together to iron out the logistics of getting the candidates to ECWA seminary, and arranging for interpreters.

Indeed, your prayers are coveted.

Tim Foster