February, 2023

Dear Friends

Director Shukuru brought some good news regarding the theft at our Baraka school last month: two of the five robbers were caught and are now in jail. However, the thieves haven’t been able to return the stolen materials. Pray for recovery of the stolen items, and more importantly, pray for the salvation of these thieves as they languish in prison. It is fortunate for them that they were caught by police and not a mob: at the end of February, a thief in the same town died at the hands of the mob that caught him. Pray for us as we evaluate the best path forward on replacing the stolen items and securing the property from further theft and vandalism.

Mission Projects Fellowship was able to help us out with a construction project in Nigeria. We’re grateful to the Lord for MPF’s labor in raising $6,870 for roofing materials and construction for our new classrooms. We’re eager to continue this project, and MPF’s donation will carry us a long way.

With a bit of struggle, we were finally able to get two deaf Nigerian students enrolled at ECWA Theological Seminary in Igbaja, Nigeria. Keep John Ayanowle and Cyprain Oraetoka in your prayers as they begin their studies. Pray that after they graduate in a few years, their additional training will be a great asset for the deaf churches in Nigeria.

Pray for us as we begin plans for our 2023 Congo Bible Camp. Our hope was to meet in Goma again this summer, but it looks like civil unrest will require us to relocate to Bukavu or perhaps Bujumbura instead. The facility in Bujumbura is nicer all the way around, but the cost of transportation for the attendees will be a challenge. Pray for wisdom as we seek God’s plan.

In Him,

Tim Foster