
From this page, you can learn about CMD, the resources we use and Africa in general.

Educational Resources

  • Bible Timeline – Old Testament
    A timeline of the Old Testament from Creation to the cross, and other points in between. The “Long” Old Testament timeline shows a number of extra-Biblical characters and events (Babylon, Egypt and Greece, etc) alongside Bible history.
    – Abraham’s Timeline (PDF 200k)
    Genealogy: Abraham Quiz  (PDF 380K)
    God’s Covenants (PDF 130k)
    – Old Testament (Short) (PDF 600k)
    – Old Testament (Long) (PDF 1.5M)
    – Old Testament Kings & Prophets
    (PDF 550k)
  • Messiah in the Hebrew Feasts
    Each of the Levitical feasts of the Hebrew calendar point to the specific person and work of Jesus Christ. This document includes a timeline of the week of the crucifixion, showing Christ’s fulfillment in each element of the Spring feasts.
    – English (PDF 300K)
    – French (PDF 300K)
  • Pastoral Training
    A basic primer for pastors. An explanation of the Gospel, how the Gospel works, how to study the Bible, and more.
    – English (PDF 400k)
    – French
    (PDF 1.5M)
  • Questions and Answers about the Christian Faith
    A series of Biblical questions and answers based on Charles Spurgeon’s catechism.
    – English (Questions and Answers) (PDF 180k)
    – French (Questions only) (PDF 190k)
    – French (Questions and Answers) (PDF. 328k)
  • Assorted materials
    John’s Seven “I AM” Statements (PDF 106k)
  • The Trinity
    An introductory look at the doctrine of the Trinity, it’s Biblical and historical, and the necessity of affirming the triune nature of the Godhead
    English (PDF 280K)
    French (PDF 320K)

Media Resources

Photos, statistics, demographics, history and more

Articles by Dr. Foster

The following are a collection of articles written by Dr. Andrew Foster, the founder of Christian Mission for the Deaf. Twelve Scriptural Reasons Why You Should Be Concerned About The Lost Deaf – This piece examines the Biblical perspectives and attitudes about the Deaf. The Social Aspect of Deafness — School Years – Dr. Foster …

Berta Foster’s Homegoing

Berta Foster Missionary to the Deaf in Africa 1939 – 2018 Berta Foster went home to be with the Lord on January 27, 2018. We lost a great missionary and mother a few days ago, but we have missed her for a long time. After the 1987 death of her husband, Andrew Foster, Berta has served …

CMD’s History

Timeline of Christian Mission for the Deaf’s Growth In 1956 God led Dr. Andrew Foster to found Christian Mission for Deaf Africans (the name was changed to Christian Mission for the Deaf in 1978). CMD’s emphasis continues to be focused on reaching the Deaf with the Gospel. Opening schools for the Deaf is a fundamental …

James Ch 1

Doctrinal Resources

Here are few doctrinal resources available for free download. All files are in English unless otherwise specified. Bible Training The following PowerPoint files are beneficial for Evangelists and Pastors who are interested in increasing the Biblical knowledge of their audiences. James Chapter 1 Presented at the Congo Bible Camp 2024. Part 1 of 4. PowerPoint; …

History of Africa

Africa is the second-largest continent after Asia. It is approximately four times larger than the United States and is comprised of some 54 countries and states and islands. Africa’s population numbered some 720 million in 1995. The most populous states are Nigeria, Egypt, Ethiopia, Zaire, and South Africa. If Africa’s population continues to increase at …


Maps of the work of Christian Mission for the Deaf in Africa – Countries where Andrew Foster opened schools, Sunday Schools, and churches for the Deaf

Photos & Blog

Some photos of the work in Africa. Be sure to visit our blogs for more photos. Before communication can take place between two parties, both must share a common language. In the case of the Gospel, this language must be complex enough to communicate abstract concepts such as God, Sin, Judgement and Salvation. When Dr. …


Statistics for Christian Mission for the Deaf The following table gives an idea of the statistical challenges faced by Christian Mission for the Deaf, and the number of schools and/or Sunday schools opened in each country. It lists the schools opened by Dr. Foster from 1957-1987. Country Est Deaf Population Schools Opened Benin 6,100 1 Burkina …