August, 2024

Dear Friends,

Our annual Congo Bible Camp was absolutely fantastic!

Congo Bible Camp, 2024

This year we met at a facility called the Maranatha Center, just south of Bukavu. Since the facility was a bit outside of the main city, the pricing was better, and the attendees certainly enjoyed the better accommodations. The teaching material included James 1, an in-depth primer on the Gospel, and several classes aimed at personal discipleship. For several years now the camp attendees have asked to have a certificate for participation. Instead, we gave an exam on the material we taught that week, and gave certificates to those who passed. The anticipation of an exam resulted in improved attention and and focus from the campers, so that’s definitely a win-win. One of my highlights of the week was seeing the Q&A sessions following the lectures on true repentance, trials and testing. The week ended with about 70% of the campers passing the 2-hr exams, Most of them were excited to get copies of the PowerPoint lectures so they could go back to their home churches and teach the content they had learned. Their enthusiasm for the exam, certificate, and PowerPoint files has given me some ideas about how to go about better equipping them to serve in their local churches. Pray that they will continue to study and learn.

Plaster and paint
N’Djamena, Chad

We’ve finally been able to get funds more-or-less reliably to Nigeria. The larger institutions (Western Union, Money Gram, Xe, etc) have been remarkably unreliable, whereas some of the smaller P2P funding companies such as Tap Tap Send have been reliable, cheap and quick far. As a result, I’ve been able to get some long overdue funds to our center in Nigeria. Pray that future fund transfers will be smooth and timely.

Indeed, your prayers are coveted!

Tim Foster
Christian Mission for the Deaf