June, 2024

Installing doors in Chad

We continue to run into issues with sending funds to Nigeria. Any method we use is hit or miss, with most efforts being a miss. The failed attempts tie up our funds for about a week while waiting for funds to be returned. In the meantime, our staff there have to curtail their budgets while waiting for the funds to arrive. Thankfully, the majority of their funding comes from local tuition fees and not foreign support, so the situation is not dire. But it is aggravating nonetheless. Please pray for a permanent resolution to this challenge.

In Chad, Director Yves is coming along well with the final touches on the construction of their multi-purpose building. The building is already being put to good use, and we’re all looking forward to its completion in the next few months. Pray with us that it all goes well as we near completion.

In the DR Congo, there are a number of young men in our sphere of influence who have stepped out on their own and started schools and churches for the deaf. Their ambitions are high, and their progress is slow, so I’m always encouraged any time I get a report from them. Last week, Temo Mwinda sent me several photos of his school’s graduation ceremony in Minova, a small town on the NW shore of Lake Kivu. He and his friend, Mika, started the school a few years ago and now have 60 deaf students enrolled. However, due to civil unrest over the past few months, about 20 of their students have had to delay classes.

Graduation class at a self-funded school for the deaf in Minova, DR Congo

We pray that they will continue to find grace and strength as their numbers increase and their church grows.

Indeed, your prayers are coveted!

Tim Foster
Christian Mission for the Deaf