May, 2024

Nanza (our director for our school in Bukavu) and Miriam, showcasing the Maranatha Center

Dear friends,

Plans are well underway for our Congo Bible Camp to be held in Panzi, just south of Bukavu in the eastern province of the DR Congo. The name of the ministry where we’ll meet is called the Maranatha Center. This is a new location for us, and we’re grateful to Mariam Toto for her help in finding this facility and arranging for us to be there. The facility certainly looks promising, so I’m excited to see how it all works out.

As far as topics go, we’ll be doing a deep dive into the book of James at our Congo Bible Camp. I expect we’ll get through the first two chapters, and do the remaining chapters at next year’s camp. The campers will be expected to take an exam at the end of the week. The evening evangelist classes will include an excursus on the inner workings of the Gospel, with a concentration on penal substitution, personal sin, original sin, and imputed sin. Yves (our director in Chad) and I will be handling those lectures. Nanza, our director in Bukavu, will be teaching a session on Child Evangelism, and Pililo, our Kivu regional director, will be giving a lecture on personal sanctification. I’m really looking forward to seeing it all come together! Won’t you pray with us that God will use our efforts mightily for His glory and His Name’s sake?

Now that school is out in Chad, we’d like to finish off the construction on our 2-story multi-purpose building. Director Yves informs me that we’ve kind of hit a lull in finances, so things have slowed down. Some of the slack has been taken up by a gentleman named Clement Abonyi. He’s a graduate from our school in Nigeria, and now lives in the USA. He has a foundation called the Afri-Deaf foundation, and he’s been doing good work with fundraising for both his alma mater in Nigeria, as well as our school in N’Djamena, Chad. Pray that we’ll be able to get the last of the work done in these summer months.

Indeed, your prayers are coveted!

Tim Foster